Wednesday, August 17, 2016

More Random Photo's

Sa "Still to hot for Mo and I to work on photo's. So here are some more random photo's from our past."
Mo "We look forward to the weather getting better to go back to work."
Sa "Really?"
Mo "Of course. You know how many hot dogs we are missing out on!"
Sa "I should have known."

MoSa “And for all those humans who like the images here and want to see more you can visit our moms site to view or even purchase images from the link below. Remember all purchases helps our puppy parents buy treats.”

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Random Photo's

Sa "It has been really hot lately."
Mo "Yea, so what are we going to talk about."

Sa "Well since the weather has not been good for us we are not going to talk just post some random photos."

Sa "Here you are doing your best Jedi imitation."

Mo "This was from a nice snow day"

Sa "Indeed, we do love to playing in the snow."

 Mo "Here I am showing you how to hunt"

 Sa "This what it looks like to hunt."
Mo "Show off!!"

Mo "This was a great day at the zoo."

Sa "This is one where we dress up for the photo."
Mo "We need to more of these."

Sa "This last photo is from a car show."
Mo "Yea that was a good day we had lots of food."

MoSa “And for all those humans who like the images here and want to see more you can visit our moms site to view or even purchase images from the link below. Remember all purchases helps our puppy parents buy treats.”