Sa "Well what can I teach you today."

Sa "Really? Like what?"
Sa "This again."
Mo "Actually the history of Hot dog carts."
Sa "I don't know."
Mo "Well, did you know that these carts can track their history to ancient Rome."
Sa "Interesting. Go on."
Mo "Back then they had ancient games and vendors would pull food around to the events to make the most of the crowds that gathered."
Sa "Is that all."
Mo "No. Did you also know that this type of vending continued in to the medieval times?"
Sa "No I did not know that."
Mo "It seems that humans of this time also learned to make money you had to go where the crowds were. These vendors would use any cart they could get to include animal carts converted to carry food. Just thinking of all the delicious foods makes me lick my chops."

Sa "Don't do that it is like yawning for people. Ahh to late now you got me doing it."
Sa "Try and stay on point if I am going to let you do all the talking. When do we get to the Hot dog carts."
Mo "Alright I am getting there. One of the first modern hot dog carts was the original Oscar Mayer Wiener cart from 1936."
Sa "Really there was a cart that looked like a hot dog."
Mo "Yes. Why would Pop pop and the internet lie to an innocent dog."
Sa " OK. I will trust you."
Mo "From that time humans have made carts more efficient and easier to move around then a big hot dog going down the street. Probably too many dogs like me chasing the cart down the street."
Sa "I doubt that is the reason."
Mo "Yea maybe we will talk about the loss of this gorgeous giant hot dog moving around the city some other time. Since they are no longer here we get the shiny hot dog stands of today."
Sa "That was actually pretty good. Maybe not as well thought out as mine but good none the less. I also notice they sell much more than hot dogs.
Mo "True but Mom and Pop pop mostly buy us hot dogs. But that is great cause I really like hot dogs."
Sa "So we all have noticed."
Mo "Before we leave need to mention our mom provided all the images of us and the modern carts. However the old time ones were retrieved from multiple web sites."
MoSa “And
for all those humans who like the images here and want to see more you can
visit our moms site to purchase images from the link below.”